This projet was shown at LAVAL VIRTUAL 2005 by my class, and awarded at IVRC 2005, Gifu (JAPAN).

It is an interactive installation on the circus theme, with 5 differents games.

It was done in MotionBuilder, a mocap software,
to learn us how far we can deflect a software from its purpose to make anything we want.

The "Magisinge".

Hardware: data-glove (3D magnetic tracker). 
A 3*3 matrix divided the space where the player is invited to reproduce "spells"
by mimic a specific motion, described in a spellbook.

You can downlad the video here.

The "Flea' circus".

Hardware: a data glove, and a 3d magnetic tracker. The flea must cross the circle of fire !
One player orient the virtual canon rotating a real one. The second player fold his hand to shoot.

The fire-blower.

Hardware: Dataglove. Fire show pictures of a story.
With its hand, the player can choose from two possible suites.

Pauline the jumper.

Hardware: BodyPad (Full body motion capture) and a pressure sensor.
The player moves its body and the acrobat do several special moves.

The crazy one-man band.
Hardware: BodyPad (Full body motion capture) and microphone.
When moving, each part of the virtual characters play sounds.